Monday, November 10, 2014

Commentary on "What the frack are you thinking?"

I want to start out by saying that this article is extremely well written: What the frack are you thinking? (Cassandra Goodison, The Coffee Party, 10/31/2014) There is substantial information as well as numerous linked sources. I particularly liked how it was passionate and driven; there wasn't any hesitation in arguing against fracking.

I only have a few criticisms, the first one being you mentioned coal in the first sentence, but didn't elaborate on it very much. There is a few interesting things to say about coal; in this video Obama not only is promoting alternative energy sources, but is outright admonishing coal: . He is basically saying that he's not going to make coal illegal, but will tax the hell out of coal plants until they go bankrupt.

My only other criticism is that I want to know why so many dangerous chemicals are needed to do fracking, and is there an alternative to using these? I just think that you went on and on about how bad fracking is, but didn't provide a solution. Sure it is bad to waste water and pollute the environment, but how are we going to make up for the loss when we get rid of natural gas?

Once again this article was very well done, and my critiques were not because of any major flaw. I actually agree with you that fracking is a horrible thing, we just need to not be one sided when arguing for or against anything.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Thank you for commenting on my article. Being that I had to follow guidelines for the assignment I was not able to expand on an alternative but that is a great question. Germany uses mostly nuclear power which is an alternative but not so much a safer one. However, since the nuclear disaster in Japan, Germany is going to close down all 17 nuclear plants due to safety concerns. I think that is one of the biggest issues that I have with fracking besides what it's doing to our environment. The people making all of this money and also spending money on fracking could easily invest their money into research to find a safer alternative. Why not work harder to find a safer alternative? Because It's too easy for them to sit back and collect billions.